The Secrets of the High Demand Coach Podcast
Welcome to the home of the Secrets of the High-Demand Podcast!
We’re so glad you’re here.
For over two years, we’ve brought you the secrets of some of the very best business and nonprofit coaches.
But all that incredible content has a dark side.
You now have access to 200 secrets of success. How do you know which ones will work for you?
Up until now, it was all up to you to figure out whose advice was right for you right now. But if you’re like most leaders, you were probably left wondering, “How do I know if this is the right advice for me right now?”
And The Secrets of the High-Demand Coach is hardly the only podcast facing this challenge. But to our knowledge, it is the only podcast that did something about it.
Not only are we going to continue to bring you the secrets of great business and nonprofit coaches and consultants, but we’re going to help you know which ones are right for you right now using our Founder’s Evolution Model.
Using the links below, you can filter down our podcast episodes AND our latest blog articles to only show you what you need to know in the stage you are in right now. So click on the link below for your stage so you can know exactly what you need to do to create more success than ever with a fraction of the stress!
Don’t know which stage you are in?
Find out in less than 10 minutes with our free Founder’s Quiz!
Latest Episodes
The Business Owner’s Roadmap to Conquer Chaos with Scott Beebe – Ep. 267
In this victorious episode, Scott Beebe, Founder and Head Coach of My Business On Purpose, shares how he
You will discover:
– Why, instead of putting out fires, you might just want to let your business burn (so that it can grow)
– The biggest lie in business and how it’s affecting you right now
– Four simple steps business owners can take to conquer chaos
Achieve Executive Excellence with Adriana Cowdin – Ep. 266
In this executive episode, Adriana Cowdin, CEO of Be Bold Executive Coaching, shares how she shares the knowledge and skills she gained to achieve status in the top 1% of all woman-owned small businesses and uses it to help other founders and CEOs become better leaders.
You will discover:
– How important relationships are to company success
– In what ways being a non-CEO executive is different or even more challenging than being at the top
– The two biggest challenges executives face
Vision and Hustle Can Only Take You so Far with Mike Straza – Ep. 265
In this insightful episode, Mike Straza, Owner of Straza Consulting, shares how he provides Fractional CFO and COO support to Visionary CEOs to help them scale. If you and your leaders are frustrated by skill, technical, or knowledge gaps, you won’t want to miss this episode!
You will discover:
– How and when a Fractional Executive can help you dramatically scale your organization
– The difference between a Fractional CFO and a Fractional COO and how to know which one you need
– How to find the right for you and your organization
The 7-Figure Expert Formula with Dr. Noah St. John – Ep. 264
In this expert episode, Dr. Noah St. John, Founder of St. John Executive Coaching, shares how he has helped 1000s of founders and CEOs break the 7 figure barrier and make over $1M in a single year.
You will discover:
– The formula for profitably generating $1M in revenue
– Why so many founders suffer from Income Ceiling Syndrome, and how you can break free
– Why so much advice from successful people is not helpful
You Don’t Need to Retire. Do This Instead with Elizabeth Zelinka Parsons – Ep. 263
In this transformative episode, Elizabeth Parsons, Principal and Co-Founder of Encoraco, shares how she demystifies what is on the other side of “”retirement”” and how you can get clarity through some of the biggest questions we all face. If you don’t like the idea of retirement or are maybe even a little afraid of what might happen if you do, don’t miss this episode.
You will discover:
– The easiest way to answer the question, “”What do I do now?”” (it’s also the most powerful way)
– How you can unlock the answer to the question “”Who am I?”” in your own life
– Why so many founders experience severe and often life-threatening illness within the first year of retirement and what can be done about it
High-Growth CEO Secrets: Critical and Uncomfortable Decisions with George Kriza – Ep. 262
In this poignant episode, George Kriza, CEO of Challenging Decisions, shares the lessons he learned over 25 years as CEO of a growing Inc 500 company. If you’re the CEO of an organization with over 30 employees and struggling to keep up with all the decisions that keep landing on your desk, you won’t want to miss this episode.
You will discover:
– What separates high-growth CEOs from everyone else
– Why you may not need to be a better decision-maker and what you should do instead
– How to handle an underperforming leader (especially if they are also a friend)
Introversion & Extroversion: Conquering Social Anxiety with Rob Giardinelli – Ep. 261
In this social episode, Rob Giardinelli, Founder of Event Mindset, shares how he, as an introvert, has mastered attending events and helping others create the most impactful events. If you’re an introvert who struggles to embrace and enjoy social situations, or you lead introverts on your team and want to know how to unlock the power of an introvert, you don’t want to miss this episode.
You will discover:
– Why introverts and extraverts need each other, and what happens if you get the balance wrong
– The superpower every introvert has, whether they know it or not
– How to begin and end any conversation with ease
YouTube Marketing Made Simple with Andrew Murdoch – Ep. 260
In this amplified episode, Andrew Murdoch, Founder of YT Era, shares how he helps crazy-busy founders get their message on YouTube. You won’t want to miss this episode if your marketing struggles to get you in front of the right people at the right time.
You will discover:
– The biggest mistake you don’t want to make with YouTube marketing
– What types of businesses should and shouldn’t use YouTube for their marketing
– The best way to generate high-quality leads with YouTube
Leadership Lessons from Charlotte’s Web with John Lamy – Ep. 259
In this conscious episode, John Lamy, co-founder of The Globally Conscious Leader, shares how he and his business partner coach globally conscious leaders to live out their values and create a positive impact on the world around them. This episode will tremendously help any founder or CEO who feels like they are facing headwinds that are getting stronger every day.
You will discover:
– 2 of the most common challenges CEOs face and how to overcome them
– The #1 strategic question you should be asking
– The advantages of a coached peer group over a private coaching relationship
The Real Reason for Collaboration with Tanya Fox – Ep. 258
In this collaborative episode, Tanya Fox, Owner of Fox Talks Business, shares the lessons she has learned the hard way–trying to do it all on her own–and how she helps entrepreneurs rekindle their passion through effective collaboration. If you’re a few years into your business and you’re burned out, and you find yourself asking, “What was I thinking starting this organization?” then you won’t want to miss this episode!
You will discover:
– The real reason for collaboration
– Who collaboration can help the most
– How to structure a collaboration for success BEFORE you start
Healthy Founders Leading Healthy Businesses with Sonya Corkery – Ep. 257
In this whole-hearted episode, Sonya Corkery, Owner of Clear Plan Consulting Pty Ltd, shares how she has used her over 15 years of experience in commercial banking and financial planning to help entrepreneurs live healthier, happier lives by building healthier, more profitable businesses.
You will discover:
– How the health of your business has a direct impact on your health
– Why it is so hard for founders to separate themselves from their business
– How to understand and overcome the dark, scary messiness inside your business
The Only Way to Create Accountability in Your Organization with Robert Hunt – Ep. 256
In this compelling episode, Robert Hunt, CEO of REF Dallas, shares how he has helped founders and leaders take full accountability for their lives, success, and happiness for over ten years. You won’t want to miss this episode if you have used the words but or can’t in the last week.
You will discover:
– What true accountability is
– How accountability and responsibility differ and why accountability is far more powerful
– The only way to create accountability in your company
Podcast Booking Status: Open
We are looking for podcast guests, and we want to share your story.
Are you a coach, consultant, or advisor for entrepreneurial organizations? If so, let’s do a great show together – and we can promote you to our audience on all our social media channels, website, and email list.