In this unbelievable episode, Joseph Drolshagen, Founder of IFGT Life Coaching LLC, shares how he helps entrepreneurs achieve unrealistic (10x or more) growth in a matter of months.
You will discover:
– The power of developing a dynamic vision for all areas of your life
– How to unlock not only knowing the right thing but also doing the right thing
– Why coaching didn’t work for you in the past (and what you can do differently)
Episode Transcript
Scott Ritzheimer
Hello, hello, and welcome. Welcome once again to the secrets of the high demand coach podcast. And I am here with yet another high demand coach. And that is the one and only Joey Drolshagen. He’s carved his own path in the coaching world and has been there and done that when it comes to career transitions. Now he’s created the SMT, or subconscious mindset training method, which is specifically designed to rewire the brainwaves and shift his clients subconscious conditioning, bringing it into direct alignment with what they desire as so that they can attract the things that they desire to achieve. He now helps individuals break down the blocks that have been holding them hostage and align with their deepest desires to easily create lives of purpose and live with passion and fulfillment. Joey, there’s so much I like about that. And I’m so excited to have you on to really unpack this, especially this idea of, you know, the subconscious and how that’s playing a role and how to start unlocking it right, because it’s kind of below the surface behind the scenes for us. But before we get into all of that, I’d love to just hear your story, right? What what is it that you were doing before jumping into coaching? And how did that ultimately lead you to make the leap?
Joey Drolshagen
Absolutely. Scott, I’m excited to be here with you having this conversation. So, you know, I started out I grew up in a in a blue collar family outside of Detroit, Michigan. So it was around the automotive, you know, mecca of the world with the big three and all that. And my conditioning that I grew up with was that a man gets a job, supports a family and hopefully lives long enough to enjoy some retirement. So even coming out of school moved me into that area and such and I started working for suppliers of the big three and then eventually GM and then eventually went outside from there. And, and, and you know what got into sales, and then something I did not ever want to do. But as I got into it and started enjoying that, you know that you know, that wins, and things like that. I grew up throughout my career, 28 year career into sales and building huge territories, leading really good sales teams, leading really bad sales teams, eventually into a vice president. And then later on helping organizations that were in bankruptcy get back into profitability. And I was really good at what I did, which challenged that conditioning even more than I was doing the right thing. But it’s never what I wanted to do. When I was 23 years old, I had this insight that I want to spend my life inspiring, motivating and leading people to live better lives. And at that time, I didn’t even know how to do that for me. So I started I became a student of the works I do today, at that time and continued that throughout my whole life, you know, my whole adult life, even while I was in corporate and eventually the last company helping them get back from getting back into profitability. I was like, Man, I don’t want to do this anymore. And I already had multiple certifications and the coaching I do. I had some success with some individuals and I literally stepped out, resigned from there stepped out and moved to the mountains of South Carolina, and I’ve been going forward ever since I’ve helped almost 1000 business owners, when I say grow their business, I don’t mean like 1015 20% I mean going from like $34,000 a month revenue to 250 to $300,000. And doing that in a matter of months, helping Realtors go from 7.5 million in sales up to 23 million in sales. And again in a matter of months. So I’m not talking about little incremental change. I’m talking about huge steps into that growth. And it just keeps working over and over again. I absolutely love it. I’m surprised myself at the results my clients have in applying this awesome T method to their life.
Scott Ritzheimer
Wow I’m really excited to kind of dive into this. But one of the things that you mentioned here was this idea of becoming a student right? At a young age when a lot of us are still in college, maybe but you becoming a student of what it is that you knew that you were going to do. Right you you started your entrepreneurial journey, decades before you became what we would call an entrepreneur today. And I think that’s that’s a really, really instrumental piece to the success in your story. And it’s one that a lot of people try and skip. Right, a lot of folks will get the at 23 I want to at this moment of clarity, right? This is what I’m made to this what I want to do, and then we just jump, right but we skip the step of being a student first, how is it that being a student for all those years helped serve you when you ultimately did make the leap?
Joey Drolshagen
Well, first off, it put me in a place of being the guinea pig for all the works I do today. Because I was with a test pilot, you know, I struggled financially regardless of how much income I kept coming. And so as I’ve worked through that, and learn through that for myself. Now I have that available to help other people like you. One of the big things I bring to the coaching industry and helping businesses grow is I’ve experienced that other side. I’ve experienced the pitfalls I’ve exceeded variants downside, I’ve experienced the struggles, I’ve experienced living by massive actions and exhaustive efforts and trading off my life trying to achieve something. I’ve done all of that. So now I can bring that to other people. And I know I can help them understand what the downside of that is, and how you can easily get into alignment much easier get into alignment with what it is you’re trying to create, and keep some balance in your life while doing so.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah, and it’s it’s almost surprising that you say this, but I actually couldn’t agree more. But this idea that massive action isn’t the ticket, right? There’s in especially in entrepreneurial circles, there’s just this idea of just muscle through it, right? Go until, you know, until it breaks through and keep doing it, keep doing it. What is the cost of all that massive action.
Joey Drolshagen
It’s really the cost of our life. I mean, our most precious commodity is our time, and we never get to repeat a single day, you know, and like, early on in my 20s, I was married, and we had five pregnancies that, you know, they live to 2425 weeks, and then be on equipment and pass. And out of those five pregnancies, I have one son. So when I tell you that I truly adore my child, that He’s truly a gift in my life, I mean that. But because of my conditioning on his first birthday, I wasn’t home celebrating his birthday in his life. I was in Indiana, building a sales territory, because that’s what I thought a man was supposed to do. And, and we don’t ever get to repeat those, Scott, but we carry those pains with us the rest of our life. You know, when I talk about that, I can feel that in my heart that that missing of that event. And and we don’t have to live that way. And what about my I’m sorry, what I love about my life is, is when I can share those pain points and help somebody else to avoid them. It was like there was a purpose in that it has a bigger purpose than just me missing out on that day.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah, yeah. You mentioned and even in your bio, and several times now you’ve mentioned purpose, right? And and it played such a big and pivotal role in yours. What do you say to the owner, the business owner out there who’s like, I want to start a business, I want to do this thing. I want to grow it, but it but they’re a little cloudy on what the purpose of all of that is? What what would you say to them?
Joey Drolshagen
Yeah, one of the things and again, I’ve used this in organizations with you know, 100 million dollar organizations with over 400, and some employees and things like that, that were in bankruptcy operating three days a month, you know, I’ve used the same tools, I start out with every single person I work with, with helping them develop a dynamic vision, I have roadmapping tools in my programs, where we start with that. So we identify all of the areas of life have the kind of what we know as the wise, right? Why do you want to do it, but it identifies it not just in the money or not just in the business, or even just a job, but in all areas of our life. So that why and that clarity of that vision is what we’re starting to bring about. And then we step into bringing that about through the rest of the program. And in doing so we bump up against that conditioning and those patterns that are holding us in limitation of what we want to achieve. Yeah, we shift those, change them out. And that opens up the gateway to start launching into the life that we desire with the business we desire and all of those wise and the purpose and the meaning and all that stuff coming into fruition as well.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. That’s really remarkable. And, and I think one of the challenges that some people have, as they’re kind of was stepping into this space is they’re hearing these results that you’ve created 10x growth results for clients. And then we started talking about subconscious mindset. And they’re like, you’ve lost me. Yeah, and because it can feel really gooey, it can feel a little squishy. So you know, especially for the hard charging entrepreneur type. So for those out there who who want the 10x growth, but are wondering like how in the world could this actually create that you’re not talking about sales strategies? How? What would you say to them? What does that process look like?
Joey Drolshagen
Yeah, and honestly, like, I can show results after results I can show in my own life even. And when I went from that point of exhaustive efforts, and put in three to 4000 miles a week after week after week after week, running and gun and trying to get more business and stuff when I got into alignment. So if you look at this, you know, the total mindset is our conscious mind and our subconscious mind. And it’s pretty much like if you picture an iceberg, the conscious mind we have control over that to the above the surface part. Do you know 5% of the results of what we experience in our life come from the conscious mind comes from our logical thinking, our strategizing our, you know, actions are are endless to do lists and all that 5% of our results comes from that 95% of our results comes from that subconscious and what’s in that conditioning in that programming and the beliefs and habits and all that. The other magic part of all this is I always call it the knowing doing it learn that from you know, my mentor Bob Proctor, the knowing part of what we want comes from the conscious mind, we know what we want, somebody doesn’t start a business without knowing what they want their outcome to look like. And doing the vision clarifies it, but they have an idea of what they want. But then they’re taking all these actions that are not even in alignment with what they want. So there, they have a knowing doing gap in their life. And what happens is this within the subconscious, there’s what I call a motherboard that triggers our brainwaves to the actions we take, and we don’t take. So that means somebody that grows up that that that a man gets a job and supports a family will have such a hard time breaking away from that and taking the actions to lead to what they want. Or even the same thing with the massive actions, exhaustive efforts. And that’s one of the things where I do that’s not traditional to our normal business coaching. Because it’s all based on here’s the plan. And now as a coach, I’m going to push you to do the parts that you have to do on that plan to get to where you want to get to. If you look at the people following those programs, less than 1% of those people ever achieve the same results the person teaching it has, because there’s a pathway that we have, and it’s unique to our conditioning. So when you when we start shifting that conditioning, all of a sudden that knowing doing gap starts closing. And the things we’re doing are leading to what we know we want, and it starts happening with alignment. It’s where we start, all of a sudden things start happening out of the blue, you know, comments, or ideas show up, or you overhear somebody in a coffee shop, say something that answers exactly what you’re looking for. But when we’re doing the massive actions, we were not aware of that we have to slow down enough to be aware of it. And that’s really the magic in the whole thing. Somebody that wants to grow their business, like I talked about with, you know, from 34,000, up to $300,000 a month revenue, that’s a huge change. To think that we have to slow down in order to get that doesn’t make common sense. It doesn’t right. It’s not realistic. And what I work with on my clients is you’re not looking for realistic outcomes. You’re you want a life, that’s unrealistic. That’s what we all want as entrepreneurs, we want to create something bigger than we could even imagine. That’s not realistic. But we live through realistic conditioning in our actions.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. And so it’s like you’re saying so much of that is under the surface, right? It’s like the 90% of the iceberg under the surface. So how do we get to it? Right? I think that can feel tricky. On the outside, you’ve got an approach to doing this, how do you help people kind of get below the surface.
Joey Drolshagen
And as some team method is designed, with every single person I work with to start with a dynamic vision, it’s got roadmapping tools to develop that vision, it covers all areas of our life. And then from there, we start moving into setting up developing systems of accelerating habits, start taking actions into our fear and the things that don’t feel good to, you know, and anyway, as we start taking these actions into it, we start bumping up against that conditioning that wants us not to take that action. And doing so is we start identifying this subconscious conditioning, it’s not working. And then we can shift that conditioning. And once somebody starts getting different results based on shifting that, the shifting becomes really easy going forward. And so when I’m done working with a client, they walk away, and they have their pathway, they have their beliefs, they have their subconscious conditioning, the programming all input to lead toward them, truly experiencing that entrepreneurial experience. Hey, Scott, I’ll go a little step deeper. Business Growth, you know, like I talked about the 34,000, up to 300,000 are real, there’s a 7.5 million in sales up to 23 million in sales and doing so in a matter of months. It’s unrealistic for that to happen. And in doing that, opening that doorway up. Just imagine now any other area you go to in your life that anybody entrepreneur goes into, and they’re like, Well, how much easier it’s going to be to do that?
Scott Ritzheimer
Wow. So the question that I have, as you’re going through this, there’s the the like, really transformational experiences that folks are having in a relatively short period of time. But the question I have is, is this something that we graduate from read? Is it something that you can kind of lay to rest and move on? Or is it something that we’re constantly kind of working toward and getting better and better out over time?
Joey Drolshagen
For me, I opened this pathway at 23. I’m a little bit older than that now, and I’m still continuing to grow. I’m still a student of this. And once I opened up that door, and the exciting part about it, is we go to universities and we get these degrees and we do things like that and stuff and we can’t wait to the day we get done. Where this is continuum of the next level next level next level, because ultimately, what I do I use business growth as we use business growth as a vehicle like incredible business growth as a vehicle. But everything I do is really human. You named it a second ago. It’s personal transformation. Yeah. So think about as we start transforming, as we start opening things up, as it starts becoming easier, is that something you’d want to stop learning about and growing into? I haven’t in over three decades now. And still going strong. So once we open it. Now, one of the other things I’ll tell you, is, I will only work with clients for a certain length of time, because I don’t want people to be dependent on me, because it’s not about me, I have the avenue and I had the willingness to change my own life that drove to developing the SMT method and all that. But I want to help people to really get in there and create that change, make those shifts experience what they want to experience and then move on from there. Yeah, I’m not I’m not a lifelong coach for somebody.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. Yeah. I love that. And so how is it that someone knows that they’re ready for something like this? Or what are some signs that would be showing up in their life that it’s like, this is the it’s the right time to approach the SMT method or something like it?
Joey Drolshagen
Great question. All of it starts with having an open mind. Somebody that I tell people all the time, if somebody knows everything about everything, you can’t tell them anything else, it will not penetrate. So an open mind, but if somebody’s got a business, and you’ve been trying to grow the business, and you’re living up here, you know, we talked about 5% 5% of our results come from the conscious mind in our in our strategizing and all that, if you are living that way, and you’re not getting the growth that you really truly desire, then there’s another avenue. And if you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, if you’re struggling in that place, if you find you’re missing events in time with your family and everything else, and you don’t want to live that way. Then there’s another avenue to check out. Yeah, maybe it’ll be for you. Maybe it won’t, but it’s another avenue that you can check out and see if it is for you if it will align and bring about those results.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. Excellent, excellent advice. I’ve got a question for you. I like to ask all my guests this. And that is what is the biggest secret that you wish wasn’t a secret at all? What’s that one thing that you wish everybody listening or watching today knew?
Joey Drolshagen
I think it would be that it’s not as hard as you think. It once I understood this up, it wasn’t near as hard as what I thought it was supposed to be. You know, things really can come about easy. But we have to do our part to open that up for that to happen. And, and the other part of that is, it’s never this or that we don’t have to have a family or a business. We don’t have to have balance time or, you know, we the intention is that we have both.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. And what would you say? Just kind of as a final exclamation point on that, what would you say to the person who’s really, you know, again, has that conditioning or or just been fighting it so long that, that they’re having trouble seeing that as being a reality? What would you say to that person?
Joey Drolshagen
Ask me that again Scott.
Scott Ritzheimer
If someone, if someone’s really stuck in, like, if I have to pick one or the other? Right? Like, it’s just not possible to achieve both? Well, what would you say to them?
Joey Drolshagen
I would tell them to get a hold of me, and let’s have a 10 minute conversation. You know, because it’s our conditioning that sets our it’s our beliefs that determine our life. So think about it, if you’re thinking I can’t do this, and this, I really want both, but I can’t do this and this, you’ll never achieve this in this, you’ll never get to experience that. And what happens is so many people have these, you know, these these incredible desires for their life, but they live so mediocre on the level that they experience in it because of those beliefs.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. Wow, so what I like to do just kind of tag on to that I’m gonna have you take off your coach hat for a second and put on your CEO hat if you will, and jump into the ring with the rest of us and tell us a little bit about what the next stage of growth looks like for you as a leader and for your organization and what challenges you’ll have to overcome to get there?
Joey Drolshagen
So so part of my plan I think I knew this once I started getting certified and stuff like that, I want to I truly want to inspire and motivate millions of people with my life works like it which is unrealistic this kid from Detroit right growing up in a blue collar struggling family, but but that is that is my goal, you know, as I want to inspire and motivate and lead millions of people to living better lives. And one of the ways I’m doing that is through my coaching, speaking all the stuff I do now, but I’m also getting ready I have a another corporation called Life ignite Institute, who I’m going to certify other coaches in my programs in the SMT method, so I can expand the footprint that way there. And that’s, that’s the next step. And we’re building funding right now, because I don’t want to chance it and launching it. I want to do it the right way. So we’re actually building up the funding and building up the team and all that to do that right now. And it’s a little ways out there, but that’s my next big big step.
Scott Ritzheimer
That’s fantastic. Exciting times exciting times. If someone sitting there listening, and they’re like, Yes, this is me. I’m ready. I need help. How can they find out more about the work you do and get in contact with you?
Joey Drolshagen
So I think you’ve got my website on here and anybody can go there and schedule a session with me the other area I’ll give them is anybody can go to and schedule a 10 minute call with me. And if like you would use the example if somebody feels like it’s not possible schedule a call if you resonate with something in this schedule a call you think this is all BS scheduled what call let’s talk about that. Because all I will do the conversation. All it does is sparks the next level of whatever it is to get there.
Scott Ritzheimer
Yeah. I love that.
Joey Drolshagen
I love having these conversations. Scott gonna coach with schedule a call. We’ll get on the phone, we’ll talk about it.
Scott Ritzheimer
Remarkable. I love that. I love that. So across the table if you think I love it, if it’s BS, try it out, you know so because what’s it gonna hurt so well, Joey a just an honor having you on the show. Fascinating conversation, you know, is clearly on to something that’s working really well right now. And I’m excited to be able to share that with everyone. And for those of you listening you know, your time and attention mean the world to us. I hope you got as much out of this episode as I know, I really did. And I cannot wait to see you next time. Take care.
Joey Drolshagen
Absolutely. Thank you, Scott. And God bless everyone.
Contact Joey Drolshagen
Joey Drolshagen has carved his own path in the coaching world, and has ‘been there, done that’ when it comes to career transitions. He created the SMT™ or Subconscious Mindset Training™ method which is specifically designed to rewire the brainwaves and shift his client’s subconscious conditioning, bringing it into direct alignment with what he desires, so he attracts the things he desires to achieve. He now helps individuals break down the blocks that have been holding them hostage, and align with their deepest desires to easily create lives of purpose, and live with passion and fulfillment.
Want to learn more about Joseph Drolshagen’s work at IFGT Life Coaching, LLC? Check out his website at

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